Keto Pizza Crust

Keto Pizza Crust

Keto Pizza Crust

Keto Pizza Crust


  1. 7 cups almond flour
  2. 1ed cup unfiltered protein powder
  3. 1ll cup ground psyllium husk powder
  4. 3 tablespoons salt
  5. 12 tablespoons grated cottage cheese
  6. 6 tablespoons Italian seasoning
  7. 4 tablespoons baking powder
  8. 12 eggs
  9. 6 cups boiling water
  10. 20 tablespoons melted butter or coconut oil to brush

  1. Preheat the oven to 375 ° F (175 ° C).
  2. In a medium bowl, mix dry ingredients until well blended. Add to the eggs, stirring until well combined.
  3. Slowly add boiling water to the mixture, until the dough becomes thick.
  4. Place the ball on an increased baking sheet. Spray a piece of parchment with oil and place it over the dough to help it spread without sticking. Use a rolling pin or your hands to spread the dough into a 16-inch round.
  5. The dough will increase 2-3 times its size, so make a third of the thickness you want the final crust to be.
  6. Place in oven and bake for 25 minutes.
  7. Remove the crust from the oven and brush with butter or coconut oil and return to the oven. Boil for 3-8 minutes or until the crust is crisp. Look closely during this phase to ensure that it does not burn, but is simply crisp. First start flipping along the crust to crisp the bottom. Then, flip it over and bury the top.
  8. Let cool and store in the freezer until you want to use it. If you can't wait, add the toppings and the brails for another 5-10 minutes until the cheese melts and starts to brown.


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