Brownies. Egg less Brownie Recipe in Cooker

The taste of brownies is very pleasing to everyone from children to elders, so let's make brownies full of flavor.
Brownies. Egg less Brownie Recipe in Cooker

Ingredients for Eggless Brownie Recipe in Cooker
1.Refined flour - 1 cup (25 grams)
2.Sugar Powder - 1.5 cup (225 grams) Brownies. Egg less Brownie Recipe in Cooker
3.Cocoa Powder - 1/2 cup (40 grams)
4.Olive Oil - 1/2 cup (100 grams)
5.Milk - 3/4 cup
6.Vanilla essence - 1/2 tsp
7.Baking Powder - 1 tsp
8.Oil - to Greece
9.Salt - 2 cups (for baking)

How to make Eggless Brownie Recipe in Cooker:

To make brownies, place the cooker on the gas to heat it. Put salt in the cooker and put a layer of salt on the bottom of the cooker and place a mesh stand over it. Now cover the cooker and let it heat up for 6-7 minutes.

To make brownies, place a sieve in a bowl and take out all purpose flour. Add sugar powder, cocoa powder and baking powder to it and strain the mixture by mixing. By filtering the mixture in this way, all the things get mixed well and there are no kernels of any kind in the mixture.

Now add olive oil, vanilla essence to this mixture and mix the mixture well. Now prepare a thick mixture by adding a little milk to this mixture so that it binds well. The mixture is ready and 3/4 cup milk was taken to make such a mixture out of which 2 tablespoons milk has left.
Brownies. Egg less Brownie Recipe in Cooker

Brownies. Egg less Brownie Recipe in Cooker
To make brownies, take a cake container and grease it with some oil. Now put butter paper on it and apply oil on the butter paper too. Now take out the prepared mixture in it, knock the container and make the mixture plain. Put some walnuts on top of the mixture.


The cooker is well heated and ready. Now place the container on the mesh stand in the cooker. Cover the cooker and bake on low-medium flame for 25 minutes.

Check the brownies after 25 minutes. Brownies are not well made right now, close the cooker and let the brownies bake for 15 minutes more. After this check to make a needle, check the mixture is sticking in the batter and allow the brownie to bake again on low heat for 10 minutes.

After 10 minutes, open the lid of the cooker and check it, to check the brownie, try making a needle or knife inside it, if the mixture does not stick on it, the brownie is ready to bake, it is well puffed. Take out the container from the cooker. Brownies are baked in 50 minutes and ready.

Let the brownies cool. After the brownies cool down, turn the knife around the cake and separate it from the edges of the container, place the plate on top of the container and invert the container, take out the brownies on the plate.

Brownies can be stored in the refrigerator and used for 15 days to eat. So when you want to make it and eat it you will like the taste of it.

suggestion :

You can take any vegetable oil to make brownies.
Keep in mind while baking brownie, check it after 25 minutes. Because there may be a difference between the time it takes for the brownie to bake and the gas flame to be fast and slow. Bake the brownies keeping in mind the increasing time.
Batter should not be too thin or too thick.
Bake the brownies on low and medium flame.


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